
neurom.view.common.save_plot(fig, **kwargs)

Function to be used for viewing - plotting to save a matplotlib figure.

fig: matplotlib figure

prefile : str
String to include before the general filename of the figure. Default is None.
postfile : str
String to include after the general filename of the figure. Default is None.
output_path : str
String to define the path to the output directory. Default value is ‘./’
output_name : str
String to define the name of the output figure. Default value is ‘Figure’
output_format : str
String to define the format of the output figure. Default value is ‘png’
dpi: int
Define the DPI (Dots per Inch) of the figure. Default value is 300.
transparent: boolean
If True the saved figure will have a transparent background. Default value is False.
Return type:Generates a figure file in the selected directory.