
Basic functions used for tree analysis

These functions all depend on the internal structure of the tree or its different iteration modes.


branch_order Branching order of a tree section
find_tree_type Calculates the ‘mean’ type of the tree.
returns:[[xmin, ymin, zmin],
get_tree_type Return a tree’s type
i_local_bifurcation_angle Return the opening angle between two out-going segments
i_remote_bifurcation_angle Return the opening angle between the last segments of two out-going
i_section_length Return an iterator of tree section lengths
i_section_path_length Return an iterator of path lengths of tree sections
i_section_radial_dist Return an iterator of radial distances of tree sections to a given point
i_segment_area return an iterator of tree segment areas
i_segment_length return an iterator of tree segment lengths
i_segment_meander_angle Return an iterator to a tree meander angle
i_segment_radial_dist Return an iterator of radial distances of tree segments to a given point
i_segment_radius return an iterator of tree segment radii
i_segment_volume return an iterator of tree segment volumes
local_bifurcation_angle Return the opening angle between two out-going segments
n_sections Return number of sections in tree
path_length Get the path length from a sub-tree to the root node
set_tree_type Set the type of a tree as ‘type’ attribute