API DocumentationΒΆ
NeuroM neurom morphology analysis package. |
Obtain a feature from a set of morphology objects. |
Mathematical and geometrical functions used to compute morphometrics. |
NeuroM, lightweight and fast. |
Population features. |
Morphology features. |
Neurite features. |
Section functions and functional tools. |
Bifurcation point functions. |
Python module of NeuroM to check morphology trees. |
NeuroM morphology checking functions. |
Type enumerations. |
Morphology classes and functions. |
Morphology Population Classes and Functions. |
Soma classes and functions. |
Data format definitions. |
Utility functions and for loading morphs. |
View tools to visualize morphologies. |
Dendrogram helper functions and class. |
Functionality for styling plots. |
Morphology draw functions using matplotlib. |
Morphology draw functions using plotly. |