API DocumentationΒΆ

neurom NeuroM top level module
neurom.viewer Tools to visualize neuron morphological objects
neurom.fst NeuroM, lightweight and fast
neurom.fst.sectionfunc Section functions and functional tools
neurom.exceptions Module containing NeuroM specific exceptions
neurom.stats Statistical analysis helper functions
neurom.check Basic tools to check neuronal morphologies.
neurom.check.structural_checks Module with consistency/validity checks for raw data blocks
neurom.core Core functionality and data types of NeuroM
neurom.core.types Type enumerations
neurom.core.tree Generic tree class and iteration functions
neurom.core.neuron Neuron classes and functions
neurom.core.point Point classes and functions
neurom.core.dataformat Data format definitions
neurom.io IO operations module for NeuroM
neurom.io.readers Module for morphology data loading and access
neurom.io.utils Utility functions and classes for higher level RawDataWrapper access
neurom.io.swc Module for morphology SWC data loading
neurom.io.hdf5 Module for morphology HDF5 data loading
neurom.view View tools to visualize morphologies
neurom.view.common Module containing the common functionality to be used by view-plot modules.
neurom.view.view Python module of NeuroM to visualize morphologies
neurom.analysis Morphometrics of neurons
neurom.analysis.morphmath Mathematical and geometrical functions used to compute morphometrics
neurom.analysis.morphtree Basic functions used for tree analysis