
neurom.view.common.get_figure(new_fig=True, new_axes=True, subplot=False, params=None, no_axes=False)

Function to be used for viewing - plotting, to initialize the matplotlib figure - axes.

  • new_fig (Optional[bool]) – Defines if a new figure will be created. If False the current figure is returned. Default is True.
  • subplot (Optional[bool]) – Defines if a subplot will be generated. If False the subplot is the standard 111. Default is False.
  • params (Optional[dict]) – If empty dictonary no supplementary parameters will be used.If dict not None the parameters will be passed to the initialization of the axes. Defaults to None.
  • no_axes (Optional[bool]) – Defines the output of the function: If False the axes is returned. If True the figure is returned. Default value is False.

Figure is no_axes is True, otherwise axes.