
class neurom.ezy.neuron.Neuron(neuron, iterable_type=<built-in function array>)

Bases: neurom.core.neuron.Neuron

Class with basic analysis and plotting functionality

By default returns iterables as numpy.arrays and applies no filtering.

  • neuron – neuron-like object
  • iterable_type – type of iterable to return from methods returning collections (e.g list, tuple, numpy.array).
  • neurom.exceptions.SomaError if no soma can be built from the data
  • neurom.exceptions.IDSequenceError if ID sequence invalid


get the segment lengths of all apical dendrites in a neuron morphology.

>>> from neurom import ezy
>>> nrn = ezy.load_neuron('test_data/swc/Neuron.swc')
>>> nrn.get_segment_lengths(ezy.TreeType.apical_dendrite)


iterate over the segment surface areas of all axons in a neuron morphology.

>>> from neurom import ezy
>>> from neurom.analysis import morphmath as mm
>>> nrn = ezy.load_neuron('test_data/swc/Neuron.swc')
>>> for a in nrn.iter_segments(mm.segment_area, ezy.TreeType.axon):
      print (a)


calculate the mean volume of all neurite segments on a neuron morphology

>>> from neurom import ezy
>>> from neurom.analysis import morphmath as mm
>>> import numpy as np
>>> nrn = ezy.load_neuron('test_data/swc/Neuron.swc')
>>> mv = np.mean([v for v in nrn.iter_segments(mm.segment_volume)])


use lists instead of numpy arrays and get section lengths for the axon. Read an HDF5 v1 file:

>>> from neurom import ezy
>>> nrn = ezy.load_neuron('test_data/h5/v1/Neuron.h5', iterable_type=list)
>>> nrn.get_section_lengths(ezy.TreeType.axon)


plot the neuron and save to a file

>>> fig, ax = nrn.plot()
>>> fig.savefig('nrn.png')


get_local_bifurcation_angles Get local bifircation angles of all segments of a given type
get_n_neurites Get the number of neurites of a given type in a neuron
get_n_sections Get the number of sections of a given type
get_n_sections_per_neurite Get an iterable with the number of sections for a given neurite type
get_remote_bifurcation_angles Get remote bifircation angles of all segments of a given type
get_section_lengths Get an iterable containing the lengths of all sections of a given type
get_section_path_distances Get section path distances of all neurites of a given type The section path distance is measured to the neurite’s root.
get_section_radial_distances Get an iterable containing section radial distances to origin of all neurites of a given type
get_segment_lengths Get an iterable containing the lengths of all segments of a given type
get_soma_radius Get the radius of the soma
get_soma_surface_area Get the surface area of the soma.
get_trunk_origin_radii Get the trunk origin radii of a given type in a neuron
get_trunk_section_lengths Get the trunk section lengths of a given type in a neuron
iter_neurites Iterate over collection of neurites applying iterator_type
iter_points Iterator to neurite points with mapping
iter_sections Iterator to neurite sections with mapping
iter_segments Iterator to neurite segments with mapping
neurite_loop Iterate over collection of neurites applying iterator_type